Founded in 1884, Moffat Golf Club originated as a 9-hole course high in the hills of Moffat. The movement for the present course then began by the Towns Improvements Committee, where they struggled to find suitable land near the town to build the course. Happily the difference was solved by Sir William Younger, Bart, of Auchen Castle who gave the club a lease of Coats Hill on generous terms.
In 1904 Ben Sayers of North Berwick was asked to design the 18-hole course on Coats Hill. Part of the hill had already been used as a 9-hole course which made it ideal land to build onto. The result of Sayers’ work will always be a credit to his name. He used all the available space by zigzagging where necessary, and also brought into play the various natural hazards. Many Golfers would agree that he succeeded in creating one of the most attractive, varied and interesting courses in the country with its deceptive approach shots combined with subtle greens to ensure that scoring is never easy.
The present course was inaugurated on 22nd April 1905, with the first ball being driven by Lady Younger with a driver presented by Major Mackenzie-Grieve, the captain of the club for that year. The ball has been preserved, and remains in a glass cabinet in the club house.
At 5276 yards, SSS 66, Par 69, the course has some really testing holes full of natural undulations and hazards — the 9th hole is an experience not to be missed! – and this coupled with the strength and direction of the wind can really make or break your score.
During 2023 the members of The Moffat Golf Club voted to adopt Scottish Charitable Incorporate Organisation Status. The Moffat Golf Club (SCIO) is registered as charity in Scotland (SC052709).
The Moffat Golf Club (SCIO) seeks to promote the advancement of public participation in sport through the following:
- Maintain and manage the golf course and clubhouse at Moffat.
- Work together with other agencies to promote and develop the sport of golf within the club.
- Provide affordable membership for all who wish to partake in the game of golf and promote golf for Juniors as a valuable community amenity.
Links to both the constitution of The Moffat Golf Club (SCIO) and the associated Member's Handbook can be accessed via the linked images below. The The Moffat Golf Club (SCIO) Safeguarding Policy is also available below.

2025 Season Office Bearers
Captain: John Harwood
Vice Captain: Phil Naysmith
Hon Treasurer: Paul Jacks
Secretary: James Pocock
Key Club Contacts:
Club and Hospitality Manager: Courtney Grieve
Course Manager: Fraser Mitchell
Safeguarding Officer: David Jack